Friday, January 8, 2010

Gutin's Table, Pt. 1

I'm not a food authority by any stretch of the imagination.  I just love to eat and have eaten a lot of great food which I think you should eat too. In five-part installments, I plan on sharing the places I think do something really great, whether it's a particular dish (Pizza, Cocktails, Fried Chicken) or something which just makes the place a great eatery (Atmosphere, Clientele). And don't worry, I'll make sure you know why the stuff is that damn good.

Now, these are my opinions, so if you want to give your opinion, feel free. If you want to suggest a place which you think is better, do it. I'm willing to update the list if it gets me a great meal. The only rule I have for the moment is that the establishment must be in the United States. Other than that, everything is fair game. Enjoy!

Best Philly Cheese Steak:
Item: Cheese Steak, Cheese Whiz and Onions (Whiz Wit).
Place: Jim’s Steaks (, 400 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147.
I know that right about now, there are  a lot of people who are wishing death upon me for not picking Pat's or Geno's, but... this is better. Breathe... yes, I said Jim's is better. It's what I prefer, so put down that hardened scrapple and just give me a minute to explain.

Jim's was where I had my first cheese steak and, to date, they do it the best as far as I'm concerned. The steak is greasy, but in the good flavorful way. The cheese, even though it's merely humble Cheese Whiz, is extraordinary when mixed with the fatty meat on top of a soft but sturdy roll. The bite of the fried onions is all that's needed to top off this culinary dream. Haute cuisine this ain't, but it is out of this world.

Best Ice Cream:
Item: Salted Caramel Ice Cream
Location: Bi-Rite Creamery (, 3692 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110.
I'll be honest, salt and ice cream doesn't sound like it should mix. In my head, the first time my sister Sarah told me about salted caramel ice cream, delicious was not the word on my mind. Pepto Bismol seemed more appropriate. However, in this clever concoction, it all makes sense. The salt just helps to bring out a lot of moisture and flavor from the other components of the ice cream.

The Bi-Rite Creamery is known for odd flavor combinations, and this one is no different. It tastes exactly like caramel ice cream, but with just a little something more, and that more puts it over the edge. I had it once when i was in San Francisco and, had it not been for a conversation with my sister, I would have gobbled it up before it had a chance to melt.

Best Burrito Remix: 
Item: Korean Short Rib Burrito
Location: Kogi Truck (, Mobile Locations - See the website for changing locations throughout the day. Stationary Location - The Alibi Room (, 12236 Washington Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90066.
Los Angeles is full of great Mexican food. There are taco trucks, burrito joints, empanada vendors and so on. However, one slight twist on the classic burrito and Los Angelenos were going fucking crazy. What could do this, you say? Why, Korean burritos of course.

The Kogi trucks are just like any other Mexican food in L.A., but the meats are spiced with traditional Korean marinades, from sweet and spicy pork to my favorite, the short rib burrito. If you've ever eaten at a Korean barbecue restaurant, the short ribs are usually one of the best dishes on the menu, and here is no exception. It's tender, juicy and... I'm drooling just thinking about it. The meat is mixed with jack and cheddar cheese, eggs and hash browns to make a true taste explosion.

If the fact that I love it doesn't tempt you, you should know that there are people who follow the trucks for miles, I repeat MILES, just to get a taste of their tacos and burritos. This is no exaggeration. It's great food and people know it. Don't feel like following around a truck on Friday night? No problem. The nice people at Kogi people set up permanent residence at the Alibi Room in Culver City. Stop by, try it and you will not regret it.

Best Sandwich:
Item: Primanti's Cheese Steak, Fried Egg
Location: Primanti Brothers (, 3803 Forbes Avenue (Oakland Location), Pittsburgh, PA 15213.
For three and a half years while I was in school at the University of Pittsburgh, I chowed down on this sandwich. For almost two of those years, it was a weekly ritual. Every week after glee club practice, I'd grab some people and go to this restaurant for a bite. It's not quite a cheese steak in the Philly sense, but for what it lacks in that respect, it more than makes up for in flavor.

The sandwich is made up of many parts.
1. Bread - Two thick slices of good, crusty Italian bread. I think that each sandwich is like a quarter of a loaf, and you need that structural support to hold up the rest of this monster.
2. Steak - It's more like a fried steak burger which they finish off on the flat top grill. Greasy, but the bread absorbs all of that goodness.
3. Provolone Cheese - A Pittsburgh staple. No whiz here.
4. Tomato - Crisp contrast to a lot of the rest of the sandwich. We're only a little over half way at this point. Oh, there's more.
5. Cole Slaw - A vinegar-based slaw which, like the tomato, adds some depth to the sandwich.
6. French Fries - Thick cut, freshly fried fries makes this sandwich almost perfect.
7. Fried Egg - When you take your first bite into this thing, the yolk just brings everything together well, all is right with the world.
This sandwich is huge, do not get me wrong. When you're hungry though, it is sublime.

Best Sandwich - Honorable Mention: 
Location: Zingerman’s Deli (, 422 Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104.
These guys know how to make a sandwich and they do it every day for their hungry University of Michigan crowd. Zingerman's makes everything either on premises or through their own, hand-selected purveyors. Putting is mildly, they make some damn good stuff.

Best Drink… Period: 
Item: Root Beer:
Location: Fitz’s Soda Bar and Grill (, 6605 Delmar Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63130.
If you hate root beer, try Fitz's. If this elixir of the gods doesn't make you a convert, nothing will. I can't really describe it more than saying it's wonderful. Fizzy bubbles tickling your tongue, it's sweet but not too sweet and complex like some of the best wine. I know it sounds grandiose, but it's warranted for this liquid seductress. You can't get root beer like this anywhere, and I love root beer so trust me when I say that THERE IS NO DRINK BETTER THAN THIS. No beer, no juice, no liquor, no cocktail, no fizzy lifting beverage can compare to a Fitz's root beer.

For a couple of years, my parents bought cases of the stuff for me for my birthday. I have a problem giving my Fitz's away to people just because it deprives me of one of my bottled delights. Does this seem like an addiction? Yeah, but fuck, I don't care. Try one and you'll be guarding your own bottles like it was the One Ring (oh yeah, LOTR reference #1 on the blog). It's been over a ten year love affair and I still love every sip of every bottle, so I hope you'll give it a try. Just don't try to take one of mine or we'll have problems.

Okay, that's the first glorious five. Let me know if you do go out for this food and if you liked it. Send me any suggestions for locations you want me to go to or categories you want me to weigh in on and I'd be happy to oblige as well. Now, I'm going to go make dinner because writing this has made me exceptionally hungry. Eat well, America.

Andrew Gutin

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